Empowering Parents Empowering Communities

EPEC is a UK wide course which is now being rolled out in Scotland with Renfrewshire chosen as the first local authority area to deliver the programme. Active Communities is a key partner in the project, which is being led by Renfrewshire Council Children’s services, alongside Klas Care CIC.

The project team recruit and train volunteer parents from across Renfrewshire as Parent Group Leaders. Parent Group Leaders receive comprehensive training (which is accredited) over a one day a week, 10-week training course. They have ongoing support and supervision through their while time as a parent group leader.

These volunteers then go on to lead eight week-long parenting programmes in local communities. These courses are 2-hour sessions over a period of 8 weeks and are for parents of 2-11year olds to help them become more confident parents, develop their parenting skills and increase their understanding of positive parenting.

The course covers topics such as

  • attachment and parent-child relationships
  • understanding and managing children's feelings and parents' emotional regulation
  • parenting roles, expectations, and culture
  • parent listening, communication, play and interaction skills
  • positive behaviour management and discipline strategies
  • managing parent and family stress

Our next EPEC Course: Being a Parent - Autism

When: Fridays from 10:00am - 12:00pm
Where: Gallowhill Community Centre, 166 Netherhill Rd, Paisley PA3 4SF
Starts: 31st January 2025
To register please contact Cheryl at Active Communities on 07425 631170 or email info@activecommunities.co.uk

Empowering Parents Empowering Communities